Student Wellbeing
We believe that students need to develop renewed minds, hope-filled spirits and loving hearts. We believe this is best done in a supportive Christian environment modelled on God’s love for us. We believe every child God has created is unique with their own sets of abilities and talents. We embrace children from all backgrounds and of all abilities. We are committed to helping each of them develop and grow in their sense of self, knowledge, and skills, including how to prioritise their mental health and spiritual wellbeing. We desire that all students are members of the College Community and believe that this sense of belonging and feeling of value contribute to positive self-image.
“A school curriculum that incorporates wellbeing will ideally prevent depression, increase life satisfaction, encourage social responsibility, promote creativity, foster learning and even enhance academic achievement.” Dr Lea Waters, 2014
Every student spends the first 15 minutes of every day with their homeroom teacher. We find that the daily consistency helps to build rapport with students, giving them a central point of call for any issues or concerns. Homeroom teachers are an essential connection between home and school, ready to chat to concerned parents via phone or email.
Our College Counsellor is available for students to talk to at their request, and in some cases their home room teacher might suggest and arrange the chat. Our College Chaplain has years’ experience as a youth pastor and is ready to help students and families through rough patches and difficult circumstances as well as support their Christian growth and development.
Our Wellbeing Team work together to support specific student needs.
We are fluent in partnering with parents and external professionals to achieve the best support and outcomes for our students holistically.
Positive Role Modelling
Our student expectations are built around role modelling and promoting positive behaviour’s; they are supported by the explicit teaching of wellbeing skills and the formation of Christian character. We also encourage self-reflection, accountability, and responsibility. We believe that getting to the core of what is troubling a student and helping our students embrace a strategy for improvement and support in a loving Christian environment yields the best results for ongoing wellbeing and personal growth.
Policies and Procedures
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