Principals Welcome

At Summerland Christian College, we are harnessing the very best of innovative future-focused, research based effective teaching and learning strategies, strengthening learning partnerships and drawing upon deliberately designed future-focused and enriching learning environments, set on a beautiful leafy campus on the hill. We excitedly call this meaningful endeavour to provide our students with an academically rigorous, expansive and richly Christian education and the learning framework that captures it as ‘Building Hope-filled Futures’. What really makes this come to life for our students, is the talented, loving and passionate staff and leadership team.

In light of our deep desire for our students to actualise God’s vision for their lives, what stands at the heart of our vision for our graduates is to inspire and develop them in having renewed minds, hope-filled spirits and loving hearts. We know God’s vision for our young people is to provide them with a ‘hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11). A walk through our halls, classrooms and learning spaces reveal that we inspire and nurture with heart. Is not, the heart of education, the education of the heart? This is us.

To enable this, we design learning and life experiences for students so they can grow in their Christian and learning character, learn to think creatively and critically, to collaborate and communicate effectively with others, developing innovative solutions to local and global problems as Godly citizens. While national assessment shows that we are a leading academic school in our region we want to build even stronger young people who are ready, prepared and willing to lean into their hope-filled futures because they also have the dispositions of a ‘strong learner’ and are ‘character strong’. We are wholeheartedly committed to providing a future-focused education as described by Professor Guy Claxton who says that “The aim of educating for tomorrow is to develop all students as confident and capable learners – ready, willing and able to choose, design, research, pursue, troubleshoot, and evaluate learning for themselves, alone and with others, in school and out.”

As we look forward, we can be confident about the educational opportunities for our students and College community. We commend this vision to you and encourage you to join with us in ensuring that the College is a place of deep learning, where students and staff have a growing relationship with God into their hope-filled futures. Welcome to Summerland Christian College, a special place.

Nate Atkinson
Executive Principal
BTeach, BTh, MEd Leadership, Grad Cert Positive Education, Ed.D (current), MACEL

Our Executive Principal is an experienced educational leader, who is passionate about leading staff and students in high quality educational practice, building organisational and personal capacity to flourish and thrive, whilst honouring God-given individuality. He believes that his purpose is to lead our College to cultivate in our students resourceful and reflective habits for a lifetime of learning for our ever-changing world. To enable this, he is committed to the pursuit of excellence in governance, leadership, future-focused teaching and learning and student growth and development.