
Laying strong foundations to develop a love of learning

Building strong foundations for future success starts with cultivating a love of learning. Our educational philosophy encourages students to develop their sense of curiosity, creativity and enquiry in the earliest of years of their education. We focus strongly on curating a growth mindset, where our students are encouraged to stretch their thinking and challenge themselves to take risks in their learning. We set them up for success through learning from mistakes, reflecting on alternatives and growing in Godly wisdom.

Prepared for Success

We recognise every child’s unique gifts and talents, strengths and areas for growth and we personalise our learning design to meet the needs of each student. Beyond providing a solid foundation of literacy and numeracy, students engage in a wide variety subject areas and experiences with an inquiry mindset. Our learners are strengthened as we embed Christian and learning character formation into their development.  

While national assessments shows that we are an academic strong school, we want to build even stronger young people who are ready, prepared and willing to lean into their hope filled futures.


Student experience

We believe God has created every child with a unique set of gifts and with distinctive potential. We encourage our students to develop their unique strengths in God’s image. Students are further supported to form meaningful connections and friendships with peers as they build learning partnerships across the classroom and wider College. This collaborative approach to learning helps to nurture students’ innate drive to learn from, and alongside others. Students are presented with a multitude of opportunities to be involved in meaningful service, including fundraising, missions and helping to contribute to their communities. 

A little extra help when needed

We understand that children not only learn differently – they socialise and adapt differently too. Our learning enrichment program includes learning support in and out of the classroom, in groups and for individual students. We provide strong social supports including quiet spaces, counselling, pastoral care and interest clubs. We’re here to ensure a happy today and a hope filled tomorrow for your children.


Develop strong foundations and a love of learning in Primary!