
Truly the best start to school life

What is Trindy?


Meet our Trindy Program – Transition to Kindy.  We want your child’s transition to school to be as enjoyable, creative, and positive as possible.  The initial attitude that children form to school and education in general can shape lifelong patterns, so it’s important to give your child the BEST START to formal learning, and life skills as possible.


Why Trindy?


Trindy gives children an opportunity to comfortably ease into school life in a much gentler way.  Trindy is FUN!  Trindy will help your child to develop skills ready for school, but more importantly, it will help them learn more about who they are and what they enjoy, growing in personal confidence as they learn more about God’s love for them, and discovering their place in the wider world.

How is Trindy different from Pre School?


Trindy is a one year part time educational program, using a mixture of play based and more structured learning.  While there may be some activities that your child also enjoyed at preschool, Trindy is much more structured, focusing on preparation for school.   We work on developing the pre-reading skills and early numeracy, making kindergarten a much smoother transition.  Trindy works towards achieving the Early Stage 1 outcomes of the NSW Education Standards Authority syllabus.


Another great benefit to attending Trindy is that your child will become familiar with Summerland Christian College school routines, the College environment and teachers before kindergarten.

Some Trindy students even get to enjoy arriving and leaving each day with their siblings or friends that are already at school.  It’s a great opportunity to develop friendships, making the first year of formal school that little bit easier to navigate.

Some of the things your child will enjoy at Trindy


  • Developing pre–literacy and numeracy skills
  • Creating things with paper, paint, play dough and paste
  • Imagination based play
  • Developing spacial awareness through construction play
  • Learning positive social and emotional communication through group projects
  • Spending time each day learning about God and God’s world
  • Singing and dancing
  • Cooking (and then eating) fun food
  • Playing games and sports


Trindy is also a great opportunity for first time parents to feel comfortable with the College and develop good communication with the teaching staff, preparing for a collaborative learning journey!

Set your child up for success with Trindy!